Sunday 9 March 2014

Winter`s Hide and Seek

I`ve been thinking about things I haven`t seen in a long time due to this winter`s natural game of `Hide and Seek`

Here is the list I came up with:

1. My six foot blue spruce tree in the front yard
2. The dog house
3. The dog

(kidding, I don`t have a dog...not these days anyways)

4. The back step and by extension the clothesline
5. Any gardens or flower beds whatsoever
6. A small pile of poplar logs at the back of the house
7. My window screens stored away in the crawlspace
8. Most of the snowfence. Only the top six inches or so are peeking out
9. A motorcycle on the road
10. The lawn mower which is tucked away in a back shed, under a blanket

Old weather lore said that a late Easter means a late spring and it could very well be an accurate forecast this year, given the amount of snow we`ve had this year. Still, I`m rooting for my tulips and daffodils to make an appearance sometime soon!

Hope you are staying warm and enjoying winter in whatever form that takes!

The R.A.

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