Sunday 30 March 2014

Winter Scenes

Winter 2014 was particularly harsh...and beautiful...

Blue skies were particularly welcome, even when shared with big fluffy clouds
Intermittent sun makes for come and go shadows

Winter may seem like a time when everyone (animals included) bunker down
but take a walk through the bush and find numerous tracks.

Coyote track...toenails dragging
When you walk through the bush do you use the path of least resistence?
So do animals, like this coyote following the snowmobile trail.
Deer tracks...I mean... dear tracks (haha! That's me!)
 Snowmobile track (...couldn't resist!)
 Mr. Goose meanders to the all-day buffet feeder!
Shed rooves showed a glacial slide, revealing natural snow sculpture

The neighbour's sun room where roof meets ground
Snowblowing was an Activity of Daily Living this winter
A Knight riding in on his blue Ford tractor to save the day
and make civilization accessible again!
The extreme cold and snow proved a very memorable ...and beautiful... Winter 2014

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