Monday 24 February 2014

Winter Walk

Yesterday’s usual walk was a tad treacherous given the slippery conditions of the road underfoot. Today I opted to use the trails through the woods that Hans has worked so hard to maintain all winter.


The trails are like walking down the concrete sidewalks of any city—only remote, with lots of tree-pedestrians, and peacefully beautiful.

 It was snowing, with overcast skies and only the weakest of suns peeking out now and again, so there was no real contrast. Still it is so lovely to be in the woods with the snow falling all around.

Along the trail are rocks with a terrific overburden of snow, but enough heat coming up through the ground to create the slightest bit of melt, as seen by the icy crystals on the “roof” of this snow cave in miniature. Looks like a sleeping turtle…or alien crashed to earth and pinned by the snow…hmmm…
No critter tracks around so nothing is disturbing this napping alien…I mean rock…

 Further along the trail, another amazing sight…a giant dinosaur egg??

…no…just another wintry sculpture, achieved by the winter’s total sum deposit to date on top of a hay bale left out for the deer. No tracks here either, so the deer must be eating at another diner!

All in all, a great walk with some neat pictures immortalizing the Great Winter of 2013-2014, nicely capped off by an apple pie treat warmed on the wood stove and a cup of coffee to chase it...

I am making plans to have a friend join me on a future jaunt to take some pictures and enjoy a stroll in the winter woods, hopefully with strong sun and blue skies.

Till next time, watch for sleeping aliens and dinosaur deposits of the frozen kind! 



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